Are You Thinking Of Starting Your Own Business?
SmartVirtualOfficeSingapore is Here To Assist You!!!
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To Help you Start Up
Success Starts Here With Us
Hi! Recently,
We just introduced the different terms of business entities, namely
Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, Limited Liability Partnerships, Limited Liability Companies and Corporations.Here,
we seek to access their advantages and disadvantages.
Sole ProprietorshipsAdvantagesEstablishing business and paper is simple
Do not have to prepare a balance sheet for your business
Can file a single income tax return for both yourself and the business
You are the BOSS
DisadvantagesBurdened with the unlimited personal liabilities
Cost of reinvesting tour income is higher
PartnershipAdvantagesExpense of starting is lower
Resources, workload and ideas are shared
Making decisions on behalf of partnership is simple
Simple Taxation
DisadvantagePartners have unlimited personal liabilities
Liable for each other's decisions
Death or withdrawal of a partner may cause serious threat to the partnership
Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP)AdvantagesGeneral Partners do not have to give up control of the business to the limited partners
Limited partners can put money into business without facing unlimited personal liability
Allows partnerships to expand and raise money without having to incorporate or issue stock.
Withdrawal or death of a limited partner does not automatically dissolve partnership
DisadvantagesUnlimited Personal Liability
Paperwork can be bad
Laws dealing with limited partnership may be complicated
Limited Liability Companies
Almost everyone can be a member
Limited Personal Liability
Freedom in making ownership and management decisions
Easy to establish and maintain
Same tax structure as partnership
DisadvantageLaws governing LLCs are evolving rapidly
CorporationsAdvantagesCorporate shield protects the corporation's owners from unlimited personal liability
Low tax rates
Raising capital by selling stocks is an option
DisadvantagesPayment of corporate tax on its earning.
Keeping and filing of various financial statements and forms
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http://www.smartvirtualoffice.comSuccess Starts Here With Us
Are you a budding
Smart Virtual Office would like to present you an opportunity to start with us and take part in our
MILLION DOLLAR GIVEAWAY.However, if you are a future
entrepreneur in the making and you are sourcing out for the Best B school to enrol into,
Smart Virtual Office would like to offer you our two cents worth of the top 50 undergraduates B Schools in the United States as identified by
Businessweek.To identify the best undergraduates business programs, Businessweek used five distinctive measures
1) A survey of more than 100,000 business majors at top schools
2) A poll of Undergraduate recruits.
3) Starting salaries
4) How many students were sent by the schools to top MBA program
5) Academic quality
2006 Top 50 Undergraduate Business School Ranks in the US
1) Pennsylvania(Wharton)
2) Virginia(McIntire)
3) Notre Dame(Mendoza)
4) MIT (Sloan)
5) Emory(Goizueta)
6) Michigan(Ross)
7) NYU(Stern)
8) Brigham Young(Marriot)
9) Texas(McCOMBS)
10) Indiana(Kelley)
11) North Carolina(Kenan-Flagler)
12) UC-Berkeley(Haas)
13) Geogretown(McDONOUGH)
14) Cornell(ITHACA)
15) Washington U. (Olin)
16) Carnegie Mellon
17) Miami U. (Farmer)
18) Lehigh
19) Villanova
20) SMU (COX)
21) USC (Marshall)
22) Illinois
23) Boston College (Carroll)
24) Wake Forest (Calloway)
25) Richmond (Robins)
26) Minnesota(Carlson)
27) Wisconsin
28) Babson
29) Michigan State (Broad)
30) Boston U.
31) Bentley
32) Penn State (Smeal)
33) Texas Christian (Neeley)
34) Texas A&M
35) James Madison
36) Maryland(Smith)
37) Northeastern
38) Baylor
39) Iowa
40) Gergia(Terry)
41) Geogre Washington
42) Syracuse(Whitman)
43) Ohio State(Fisher)
44) U. of Miami
45) Purdue (Krannert)
46) Marquette
47) Florida(Warrington)
48) Fordham
49) Denver(Daniels)
50) Pittsburgh
Information Brought to you by
Smart Virtual Office
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