Smart Virtual Office Singapore

Virtual Office Singapore is CALLING ALL ASPIRING ENTREPRENEURS Are You Thinking Of Starting Your Own Business? SmartVirtualOfficeSingapore is Here To Assist You!!! A Prestigious Address & An Extremely Low Overheard Cost To Help you Start Up Success Starts Here With Us

Friday, May 26, 2006


Take this test to see if you are an entrepreneur

It takes a special personality to to start a business and make it succeed. Not everyone has it. I am not saying that every entrepreneur is the same but they share similar traits that are identifiable so how do you know if you have what it takes to start a business?

There's really no certainty for sure. But there are common things among people ready to consider an entrepreneurial venture.You don't have to fit into all categories to be a good candidate for entrepreneurship. In general, the more you have in common with these characteristics, the closer you probably are to being ready to try going out on your own.

Trait 1. You have a history of people in your family who are Entrepreneurs
Your grandfather started his bicycle shop, or your father runs a motor company. You come from a long line of people who works for themselves. They were successful at establishing their own business and they passed on the genes to you, awwww.

It's usually much easier for a person to get a job with a company than to start your own. People who strike out on their own often have the direct example of a parent to look to as you may say a chip off the old block!

Trait 2. You cannot hold a job very long
You cannot seet ot keep a job for too long. It is either that people fire you or you fire your bosses. You are terrible employee. It seems taht people who start their own businesses tend to be fired from or quit more than one job. These do not include those that were asked to leave due the "company restructuring" or downsizing, We are talking about the time when everyone got a 5 months pay raise with an equity while the security guard was escorting you out toe BACKDOOR, or you quit before they could fire you. Think of it as the marketplace telling you that the only person who can effectively motivate and manage you is yourself.

Trait 3. You like Job Insecurity
You throw caution into the wind and think job security is a way of retiring. You feel that nothing can stop you. I am one of those people. I got a child coming this August and I decide to open instead of getting my act together and buy that silly HDB flat! If you think that real job security is when you are the person firing the old engineer that has been moulding in his chair, you are here like myself, how's that for job security!

Trait 4. You are an adreneline Junkie
You get a kick out of starting something new. It gets you to the pantry to empty every last drop of caffine to work through the night to finish the business plan to see the client tomorrow. Or counting and negotiating with the bank and Venture Capitalist on the percentage you so deserve. You've gone as far as you can go, or you're not going anywhere at all. Sometimes the motivation to start a new venture comes from having reached the top of the pile where you are, looking around, and saying, "What's next?" Early success can be wonderful, but early retirement can sometimes drive energetic and motivated people totally crazy.

Trait 5. Failure is the smell of success to you
You can envision the success even before it happens. You've done the market research already. Don't even talk to me about your great business idea if you haven't put the time into figuring out if there's a market for your product or service. As the people behind any number of failed Internet ventures will tell you, "cool" doesn't necessarily translate into "profitable." Don't bother building it if you haven't figured out whether there's a good chance the customers will come.

Traits 6. Family man
Your whole family asks you to drop everything and pursue your dreams. Even when they have got not a clue what is in your bank account or if you are going bankcrupt tomorrow but you've got the support of your family. They are understanding and tolerate you shouting at them as they know starting a business is stressful under the best of circumstances. Trying to do it without the support of your spouse or other significant family members or friends would probably be unbearable.

Trait 7. Hyper active Creative Glands
You got creative oozing out of your nostrils. You know you cannot do it alone. You might excel at promoting a business. Maybe you love running the financial end of the enterprise. You could be someone who starts a business because you have unique creative or technical know-how to create a product.

Any of the above is possible, but it's unlikely that you are going to excel at all of these tasks — or at all of the tasks involved in running any business. Forget all that doing it alone stuff. You are going to need some help sometime.

The willingness to get that help — having employees, partners or consultants for those areas in which you are not an expert — is one indicator of likely future success. "No successful entrepreneur has ever succeeded alone," development consultant Ernesto Sirolli writes in "Ripples From the Zambezi." "The person who is most capable of enlisting the support of others is the most likely to succeed."


Your Type of Business Entity

There are four different types of business entities: Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) and Company.

Sole Proprietorship -
A sole proprietorship is a firm owned by one person (or one company). There are no partners, and the owner can have absolute say in running the firm. The sole proprietor will also receive all profits the firm generates.

Partnership - A partnership is when two or more persons come together to run the business. It is usually good to draw up a partnership agreement before setting up the disputes over profits and management rights in the future.

Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) - A limited liability partnership (LLP) combines the limited liability features of companies with the operational flexibility of partnership.

Company- A company is a legal coporate body incorporated under the Companies Act. The owners of the company are the shareholders.

The information for this article is gathered from some of these organisations.
SPRING Singapore

Online registration of business via Bizfile

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Getting a Registered Office in Singapore

There are 6 procedures to go about starting business in Singapore
We will give you a brief on what to do to get yourself started in Singapore, but should you need help will come to your aid as well!

Step 1: Getting Approval and reservation of company name and getting prepared file the company incorporation
Step 2: Pay for search with RCB for duplicate company name
Step 3: Getting your company stamp
Step 4: Registering your company with Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore
Step 5: Registering your company with Central Provident Fund
Step 6: Sign up for the Workmens Compensation Insurance at an insurance agency

These are the general steps that apply to most companies in Singapore unless you plan not to employ and work yourself to death or run away from the tax collector you should register for all steps

Below is a quick cost breakdown

Step 1: Getting Approval and reservation of company name and getting prepared file the company incorporation
S$15 (name approval) + S$300

Step 2: Pay for search with RCB for duplicate company name

Step 3: Getting your company stamp
S$35 for those on budget
S$400 for those who can get the design and other details all in provide great design for as low as $150

Step 4: Registering your company with Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore
A company is liable to register with the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) for the purposes of Goods and Services Tax (GST) when its annual taxable turnover exceeds S$1 million or the company is currently making taxable supplies and its annual taxable turnover is expected to exceed S$1 million.

Step 5: Registering your company with Central Provident Fund
Hard copies of the following forms, Form 1 - Application for Employer Registration and Form 92 - New Employee Contribution Form can be obtained from CPF Board itself or downloaded from its website. A third form, Payment Advice can only be obtained from CPF Board itself. Form 1 should be submitted as soon as possible whilst Form 92 and the Payment Advice Form should be submitted after the employees have commenced employment but prior to the due date for the company to make payment of the employees CPF contributions.

Step 6: Sign up for the Workmens Compensation Insurance at an insurance agency


Nature of the Entrepreneur

There are two theories about how entrepreneurs develop, often called the "supply" and "demand" theories. In the supply theory, entrepreneurs are born, not made -- certain people have the personality traits that make a good entrepreneur. Several research studies have shown that entrepreneurs are convinced that they can command their own destinies, or in the jargon of behaviorial scientists, the "locus of control" of the entrepreneur lies within himself. It is this self-belief which stimulates the entreprenuer, according to supply-side theorists. John G. Burch, writing in the September-October 1986 edition of Business Horizons gave a list of in-born traits that make an entrepreneur:
* A desire to achieve: The push to conquer problems, and give birth to a successful venture.* Hard work: Are mostly workaholics.* Nurturing quality: Willing to take charge of, and watch over a venture until it can stand alone.* Acceptance of responsibility: Are morally, legally, and mentally accountable for their ventures. Some entrepreneurs may be driven more by altruism than by self-interest.* Reward orientation: Desire to achieve, work hard and take responsibility, but also want to be rewarded handsomely for their efforts; rewards can be in forms other than money, such as recognition and respect.* Optimism: Live by the philosophy that this is the best of times, and that anything is possible.* Orientation to excellence: Often desire to achieve something outstanding that they can be proud of.* Organization: Are good at bringing together the components (including people) of a venture.* Profit orientation: Want to make a profit; but the profit serves primarily as a meter to gauge their success and achievement.
In academic circles, however, the "demand" theory is now generally more prevalent. The demand theory holds that entrepreneurs emerge out of the combination of entrepreneurial opportunities and people who are well-positioned to take advantage of them. Thus, anyone who encounters the right conditions might become an entrepreneur, if they find themselves in a position where they find a valuable problem that they alone can solve. Scholars studying the demand theory try to understand the conditions under which entrepreneurs appear, particularly in understanding how differences in the information various people have creates entrepreneurial opportunities, and how environmental factors (access to capital, competition, etc.) change the rate of entrepreneurship.


$1 MILLION dollar Challenge

I attended the National Achiever's Congress 2006 today and met Jim Rohn. He mentioned the best way to receive is to give!
I started at the age of 14, just turned 29 yesterday. I received a lot from everyone and have never really given anyone anything. I decided today after hearing this, I want to give away $1 MILLION DOLLARS away. I have made my fortune in the education business and now starting this Smart Virtual Office to help businesses start up.
This $1 MILLION DOLLARS is set aside within the company for companies and entrepreneurs that are planning to or currently with us.
This is how it works...
For every dollar you spend with today till Dec 2006 or till the MILLION DOLLARS run out whichever comes first, I will match it with a dollar. You can use that dollar to pay for your future services or other services that we currently offer or will offer in the future, be it on promotion or otherwise. I know that startups will save at every dollar they can get their hands on, that is why I will give you that dollar back.
For example, you purchase 3 years of Virtual Office from us, that is
$99 X 3 = $297 will give you in our credit account another $297.00 to allow you to purchase other services from us like web design at $500.00 for basic design or bigger and better web hosting at $100 a year or pay for for another 3 years of Virtual Office. We are competitively priced! will treat this as real cash that is spent in the company and will provide you the same if not better service that we would with new customers.
Either way it is up to you how you would like to spend it!
The value of the money will have NO EXPIRY DATES and will not be encashed for real money.
I do hope you will spend this free money wisely.
This will come into effect immediately May 18 2006
Bill Ang


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