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"Failure is often simply an unexpected situation that requires transforming into something positive. Don't forget that America is a result of a huge failure. Columbus was really looking for a route to Asia"
Eugenio Barba"In response to Muslim domination on land, Portugal sought an eastward sea route to theIndies,and promoted the establishment of trading posts and later colonies along the African coast. Columbus had a different idea. By the 1480s, he had developed a plan to travel to the Indies (then construed roughly as all of south and east Asia) by instead sailing directly west across the "Ocean Sea" (the Atlantic).
Although Columbus died believing he had opened up a direct nautical route to Asia, in fact, he established a nautical route between Europe and the Americas. It was this route to the Americas, rather than to Japan, that gave Spain the competitive edge it sought in developing a mercantile empire."
Source: Trivia: Did you know that America was formerly know as Columbia ?
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