Are You Thinking Of Starting Your Own Business?
SmartVirtualOfficeSingapore is Here To Assist You!!!
A Prestigious Address & An Extremely Low Overheard Cost
To Help you Start Up
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There are 6 procedures to go about starting business in Singapore
We will give you a brief on what to do to get yourself started in Singapore, but should you need help will come to your aid as well!
Step 1: Getting Approval and reservation of company name and getting prepared file the company incorporation
Step 2: Pay for search with RCB for duplicate company name
Step 3: Getting your company stamp
Step 4: Registering your company with Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore
Step 5: Registering your company with Central Provident Fund
Step 6: Sign up for the Workmens Compensation Insurance at an insurance agency
These are the general steps that apply to most companies in Singapore unless you plan not to employ and work yourself to death or run away from the tax collector you should register for all steps
Below is a quick cost breakdown
Step 1: Getting Approval and reservation of company name and getting prepared file the company incorporation
S$15 (name approval) + S$300
Step 2: Pay for search with RCB for duplicate company name
Step 3: Getting your company stamp
S$35 for those on budget
S$400 for those who can get the design and other details all in provide great design for as low as $150
Step 4: Registering your company with Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore
A company is liable to register with the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) for the purposes of Goods and Services Tax (GST) when its annual taxable turnover exceeds S$1 million or the company is currently making taxable supplies and its annual taxable turnover is expected to exceed S$1 million.
Step 5: Registering your company with Central Provident Fund
Hard copies of the following forms, Form 1 - Application for Employer Registration and Form 92 - New Employee Contribution Form can be obtained from CPF Board itself or downloaded from its website. A third form, Payment Advice can only be obtained from CPF Board itself. Form 1 should be submitted as soon as possible whilst Form 92 and the Payment Advice Form should be submitted after the employees have commenced employment but prior to the due date for the company to make payment of the employees CPF contributions.
Step 6: Sign up for the Workmens Compensation Insurance at an insurance agency